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The brief required me to design a website for My Succulent Shop Corporate Identity which has the target audience of women and men aged  15 - 50 years. The website included a Home page, three other menu links. The business has been created based around a calm, pastel theme therefor displays pink and grey throughout the site.


I began by investigating a range of successful Succulent and Florist websites that featured different styles of menus, themes, links and layouts. I then worked in Wix, Adobe illustrator and Animate to develop different ideas to use on my site. This led me to having issues whilst transferring gifs in Animate onto Wix.


I merged my ideas in my refinement, creating the best possible outcome for my site. This meant creating an using my own and the internets imagery and photography on my site as well as continuously using the same range of fonts in each page.  I also used my logo throughout my entire site as well as the same colour palate. I created two Adobe Animate animations although i had trouble with the first one as i was unable to get it to loop therefore i could not include it on my overall website.


If I had more time to develop the website, I would put try and add in more drop down pages. Throughout the Design Process to create my website I have learnt how to create animations and work around the website I can now confidently produce my own functional website of my own.

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