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Shop Succulent is an online store where they sell Succulent plants. I like this website as the layout is very simple and the viewer can clearly see what the website is offering. The title of the website could be a bit more bolder and less simple and plain.

The way the website designer has placed the menu tab underneath the logo is smart placement as everything is close together. the drop down menus are also sorted into categories which is smart as the viewer can navigate around the site easier.

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On this website the logo is in its own white section and then further down there is a slideshow of imagery which has writing over the top.the choice of font and positioning has not been executed correctly as the text gets lost in the image.

Once i clicked onto 'Lulas Garden' this immediately popped up. I think this is a good feature to include on a website. This has been kept professional ensuring that the important information such as '10%' is bold to stand out amongst the rest.

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I love this home page as it is minimalistic ensuring that the colours are harmonious and flow together. Lulas Garden also has an opening feature that allows you to begin shopping right away at the click of a button. The home page is also very balanced from left to right with a transparent feature, which includes information, in the centre.

This website is extremely messy as the pictures of the plants  clash with each other and the colours do not flow. Also the white writing on the back, gets lost in the image. The title/logo also is not in a big enough font and it doesn't draw you're attention.

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I really like the look of this logo as the designer has incorporated succulents into it. By using two different fonts it separates the 'succulent' and 'ONLINE' which shows what the website is about. In saying this, the graphics on the home page is a paragraph of text which is not that inviting and looks boring.

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This website shows simplicity through the colours and text. The text is very basic and the menu is positioned on the left hand side. The main colour area on this home page is the imagery. The picture ties in with the theme as it is 'green living'.


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For succulent and florist stores it is a great idea to include a Care Guide which has all the information on how to look after and care for your plants. Almost all the websites i researched included a variation of a care guide. 

The websites that i looked at had simple and straight forward care guides providing the important information. Similarly this website has top ten tips. This is another effective and quick way to get information across quick and to the point.

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The 'View Item' section on the 'Bloomscape' website looks quite cluttered and confusing to read. Also the font that has been used looks quite squished. A more modern font would be much more appropriate. 


Although in saying that the information on this section is quite informative and is what you need to see on a page like this.

The different images, patterns and angle on this page is good as you can see every aspect of what you are viewing or are about to purchase.


Lulas Garden has also added their social media account icons to this page. I'm not quite sure as to why but it could help when people want to grasp a further look on what they are purchasing.

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