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The fine lines in this design look intricate and detailed which creates a minimalistic design. The symmetry  in this design creates balance and is more eye catching to the viewer and more appealing to the eye.


The harmonious colours on this plant tag work extremely well together as the designer has used similar colours that work well together which is pleasing for customers to look at. The two different fonts for the text are eye catching as it separates the text elements using straight and cursive lines.

Each of these plant tags has approximately five different font types used throughout the designs. This is not ideal as the text gets messy and confusing to read. The colours also don't flow and it seems that a colour palate has not been followed. I like the descriptive text as the contrasting sizes varies throughout from large to small.

This design is very basic and has not had much though and creativity put into it. The broken line border around the text adds a nice feature as it looks like it has been stitched. 


The designer of this plant tags has incorporated real images mixed in with tiny illustrations at the bottom. This adds a different feel as it shows what the plant will look like in real life.

The organic design of this plant tag is eye catching and simple. Although it is basic with just the plant and text it stands out as it looks as though it has been hand drawn and coloured. The contrasting colours such as the green and the brown create a vibrant look.

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