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For the first account biography i wrote what i wanted this pages aesthetic to be. After writing it, it looked to full.

Here i added a space in between the lines and the text. I also added in some emojis to create a more fun feel.

Lastly, to make it fit more into an instagram account i added a hashtag and an '@' tag.


For this biography i wanted it to match the cute and girly vibe that the page was giving. Looking at this first bio that i came up with it all just looked like too much.

The first thing that i decided to change was the name of the page, keeping it all lower case. I then took away the word 'succulents'' and 'South; from the second and third dot points.

After having another look i felt as though i should keep the name of the page in correct grammar and keep the rest lower case. I then attached the website link at the bottom.



This caption is very simple and easy to read which is the aim for captions as your audience does not want to read paragraphs.


To continue with the line theme that matches the bio i turned the dots into lines to ensure that it all flows nicely.


The caption for this post had to bring boho and cool vibes as that is the style of the pictures. I used the words 'chill vibes' to give a sense of relaxation.

Here i changed the wording around from decor to inspo as i felt it was more hipster for the post. I then added some cool emojis that i thought fit the theme.


Lastly, i changed the 'dm' (direct message) into capital letters as i felt that it was important therefore it should stand out amongst the rest.


I then simply removed the green heart as i felt that it looked weird.


Many captions on Instagram use quotes as their captions. I thought it was only fitting to use a light quote for this picture. I simply wrote it and used a light bulb emoji.


Here i wanted to make it more like the rest of my posts so i added some hashtags. Although this made it look cluttered.


To ensure that it did not look cluttered i then went in and spaced it out.



This caption is very short and simple and needs some more to it.

I decided to add an some extra sentences and changing it all to lower case. I used the word ASAP in all caps to show emphasis and to stand out when people see it.

Lastly, i added one hashtag at the end of the caption.


This caption is already quite long on its own but it is quite still simple and it does not look eye catching. 

Here i added some fun emojis that matched the sentences and made it visually pleasing.

Lastly, I added 4 hashtags. Again i separated them with hyphens as the caption was already long enough.


Here the caption quite basic and it looks very dull observing it from a viewers point of view.


Here i chose to spice it up a bit by adding an emoji that takes place of a word, in this case the word bee. I once again used hyphens to space out the Hashtags so it doesn't look grouped.


I added more to the caption and i was happy with the final outcome.


IMG_0387 2.png

For the first photo arrangement i chose some of my favourite photos that found and thought matched together. Once i arranged them i found that i didn't like the colour scheme of the bottom right photo so i deleted it. 

Once deleting the bottom right it brought together two of the photos that look very similar (yellow arrow shows) so i deleted the one on the left.

Here i added two more photo to replace the ones that i deleted. I thought that these photos were more fitted to the aesthetic that i was going for.



This page is by far more vibrant and the theme matches a lot better then the previous one. Although the colours are brighter the tones they are muted colours making them shaded and a tad darker.


I decided to remove the images in the top right and top left corners as one was bright and the other did not fit the colour scheme.

Here in the top left i added an image that matched the image next to it. This still didn't look right as the vertical row on the right looked too busy.

To fix this i archived the photo on the right and deleted the photo on the left that i had just posted. I the reposted the photo i put in my archives and reposted the image on the left.



Here i combined the aspects of account 1 and account 2 together, creating the ultimate instagram account. 


For the bio i used the same one from account 2 but i changed the wording and made it look more formal.

Lastly, i removed the 'welcome to our Instagram' and added the hashtag at the bottom

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