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To refine this business card, i altered the opacity of the original blue background to 70%.

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I then went back in and added the succulent image that was on the front page and turned the opacity down to 80% ensuring it was more opaque then the blue in order for the imagery to stand out.

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For this business card i kept the front the same as i was happy with the final outcome.

Previously the back of this card was plain, so using the ellipse tool i created a loyalty card on the back that gets signed off with every purchase. This is a great way to maintain customers.


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The refinement process for this business card began with the title. I felt as though i should continue with the same font as the on in the logo in order for them to flow. I the tried a different variation of the positioning for something different.

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Here i changed the font of the information to a more simple one as it looked neater. Using the Character and Paragraph panel i set the tracking to 100 to space out the lettering.

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I still was not happy with the title, so i changed it again and placed all the words in the centre to look professional.

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Lastly, to keep the colours through my corporate identity flowing i changed the bright pastel colours to more dull colour palette as it fit my on going theme.

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