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For the background of this business card i wanted to keep it looking alive so i used a real image that initially had a pink background. I opened the image up in photoshop and used the mask tool to inverse the colours and turn the coloured background monochrome. This left the main focus being the succulents.

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The results of the mask tool

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I kept the front page of this quite simple by dragging on the logo as the background had a lot going on.

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I used the colour picker tool to pick the most dominant colour in the image and used that as the background colour. I then added one white shape using the rectangle tool and lettering in the Courier New font. Referring back to my investigating a lot of them had borders so i decided to incorporate one into my design.

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To begin with in Adobe Illustrator i used the pen tool to create an outline of a cactus.

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I the went in and added a fill colour. i used the ellipse tool to create small circles with the stroke on to begin with until i filled them.

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I then saved the cactus and opened up a new file in Adobe Photoshop. I created different size rectangles using the Rectangle Tool and use the colour fill to create pastel colours.

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In photoshop i opened up the Illustrator Vector and placed it on the document. With the text tool i added the information. I felt as though Adobe Photoshop was easier for the finer details as the smart guides show the positioning easier then illustrator. 

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For the front of the business card, i kept it simple and rearranged the colours in the rectangles and placed the logo in the middle.


To start with i transferred my logo onto a blank white document. I then used the rectangle tool to create a line in the background.

Here i used  picture off of google and placed it on the far right, i then divided the card an placed the important information on the left.


This business card was a more simple design that i came up with as that was the idea that i was going for. The front of the card features a logo by itself as i felt that the logo has enough detail to stand alone.

For the back of the card, i used photoshop to make an overlay of floral brushes in similar colours and created a cluster. I then turned down the opacity to 60% in order for the writing to appear.


This business card was designed quite different as i chose to include everything on the front. I used a simple font of the front, with a line separating the information.

For the back i simply used the continuation of the bottom succulent border.

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