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To refine this design i attempted to add a border to the design in the shape of a house. I first went with a plain square border. It looked quite plain and the line work was basic.

I then decided to make a border everywhere that there was an indent in the illustration to create an outline of a house. This didn't look quite right as it did not look like a house.

For the first refinement i decided to change the positioning of the flowers to one side as i felt it would look less crowded.

I wanted to have this design look more like a window out so i made the decision to change the positioning of the flowers from top and bottom to both sides to give the effect of essentially looking out of a window into the title and name of my corporate identity.

For this logo i turned to opacity down to 55% as i though that the title would stand out more. I still felt as though this design looked out of proportion.

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To adjust the proportion issue that i had i decided to enlarge the font and make it go across the house.

Thorough the refinement process, i wanted this design too look less plain so i decided to focus on the succulent section of the business. To do this o went into illustrator and drew up a different succulent which i then copied twice onto this design to have a total of three.

I was not happy with having two of the same flowers so i then went back into illustrator for the second time and drew a third succulent flower. Once i repositioned the flowers i added the 'Don't Click Me' font.

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I cut out the indent sections from the previous design and incorporated the square and house look to get the basic outline of a house as the border. I also changed the colour of the border in order for the plant to stand out.

For the title I felt as though the font got lost amongst itself as it was too busy within the flowers. Therefore i chose to have the first and last word in a solid, one colour, bold text. The second word was kept in cursive and kept a different colour in order to stand out as the 'important' word.

I was happy with the final design but i decided to turn to opacity to 60% just to appear darker against the dark text.





The design still felt unfinished. I decided to create and ellipse with no fill and i set the stroke to 8pt to create a border.

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